The following stories are some samples of journalism work over the years. The copyrights for all stories belong to the publications cited, unless otherwise specified. Please don’t reproduce the content without the authorization of the copyright holders.
Las siguientes notas son unas muestras del trabajo periodístico a través de los años. Los derechos reservados para estos artículos pertenecen a las publicaciones citadas, a menos que se especifique de otra manera. Favor de no reproducir el contenido sin autorización de los dueños de esos derechos.
- To stem the flow of Hispanic dropouts / School officials look for solutions. October 29, 2000, Newsday, Long Island, New York.
- Liquid assets / Local pawnshops swap cash for collateral. December 29, 2002, Newsday, Long Island, New York.
- Breaking their silence / Six young men step out of the shadows to address critically acclaimed movie that opens old wounds. February 29, 2004, Newsday, Nassau and Suffolk editions, Long Island, New York.
- More black women opt for careers before kids; fertility rates show consistent decline. January 19, 2005, Tribune Newspapers; Orlando Sentinel, Orlando, Florida.
- Los Medina: Entre frijoles, papas… y mucha simpatía. Doce de abril, 2008, El Sentinel, Orlando Sentinel, Orlando, Florida.
- Pulse shooting exposes ‘layers of grief’ in two communities. June 15, 2016,
- Haitian immigrants worry / Program allowing them to stay in U.S. set to expire. May 22, 2017, Newsday, Long Island, New York.
- She thought his deportation ended their story. It didn’t. June 22, 2019, Newsday, Long Island, New York.